Roses in November

The roses are blooming well.
The bride has a light green and pink colour on the glowing white petals.

The loose petal of the China rose opening is beautiful.

This is an en-bridge rose, a kind of English rose.

Bouquet and fallen leaves.

I am crazy for Roses.

Garden in autumn 2018

I was very tight in the garden work this year.

A good harvest of Persimmon in the eighth year to plant! Really as the saying goes!

I made the “yokan” – sweet past jelly – of the Persimmon  served with “Kinako” – soybean flour. The cast-iron-plant leaves are laid as often used for the dish of Japanese food. The plant is easy to grow and very useful.

A lot of fruits of heavenly bamboo were made well this year.

And these yellow flowers are leopard plant.

Shibawanko goods and things

In the picture book, there appear many things in my house.
First of all, this is a beanbags made with pieces of old cloth.Shibawanko is good at needlework, so I tried to make my own.
I worked so hard.
“Meisen” and “Chirimen” cloth are so pretty.

Next is a duster made from old cloth. This is easy to make, just rip and bundle cloth.

Last is a Hibachi brazier often appeared from the first volume.
I brought it from my parents’ house.

I will introduce such things occasionally.