Roses in November

The roses are blooming well.
The bride has a light green and pink colour on the glowing white petals.

The loose petal of the China rose opening is beautiful.

This is an en-bridge rose, a kind of English rose.

Bouquet and fallen leaves.

I am crazy for Roses.

Garden in autumn 2018

I was very tight in the garden work this year.

A good harvest of Persimmon in the eighth year to plant! Really as the saying goes!

I made the “yokan” – sweet past jelly – of the Persimmon  served with “Kinako” – soybean flour. The cast-iron-plant leaves are laid as often used for the dish of Japanese food. The plant is easy to grow and very useful.

A lot of fruits of heavenly bamboo were made well this year.

And these yellow flowers are leopard plant.